Defining and differentiating brands to generate value.
With a history spanning back to 1818, Sun Chemical has always been dedicated to developing solutions that generate customer value. Our multi-disciplinary team combines consultancy and technology to create services that help our customers tackle the big challenges in global packaging. Whether it be color management, future packaging legislation or packaging data collection, we can help our customers create future strategies and provide the tools to measure and manage these elements every day.
Expertise at Sun Chemical isn’t just accumulated knowledge; it’s an active, evolving force. We bring together best-in-class teams and trailblazing innovators with experience across global packaging markets and the ‘end to end’ value chain. This team is not just skilled in print technologies; we are experts in business transformation — providing innovative solutions to generate value and drive your business forward.
Sun Chemical’s multi-disciplinary packaging and graphics team works within the “4 Elements” methodology to provide our customers with a balanced perspective across their packaging portfolio. The approach provides a framework to interpret their requirements, develop the right solutions and measure success. These “4 Elements” are in harmony, yet in a constant state of change, and designed to simplify the complex.
We aspire to become the global reference point for sustainable packaging solutions, focused on generating value for our customers and really making a difference!
Learn about our approach to troubleshooting and explore an assembled a list of common printing challenges you could be experiencing and the solutions to each of those problems.
Color is the language of printing, and a key competency. Our color management services are designed to ensure accuracy, consistency, and vibrancy across every project. From precise color matching to implementing efficient color workflows, we empower you to achieve the perfect color every time.
Part of our DNA, sustainability sits within the heart of our business. We understand the complete lifecycle and are constantly evolving services to reduce the impact of packaging on the planet. We have a closed loop proposition starting with the control of the specification and life cycle assessment, through to waste management and recycling solutions.
Coming soon an exciting set of new services including consultancy, technology, creative & design, color and sustainability solutions focused on generating value for our customers.