Color Our Future Lead-Free

New Paliotan® VIU Lead-Free Pigments

Sun Chemical’s Leadership as a Provider of Pigments Free of Lead Chromate

Lead chromate has been identified as a substance that negatively impacts human health and is toxic to the environment with long-lasting effects. Many countries have banned the use of lead chromate, especially in architectural coatings and toys.

By supporting more responsible alternatives in the paint and coatings industries and placing a focus on cost efficiency, we demonstrate how lead-free pigments improve formulation performance as well as value-in-use versus former lead-based coatings.


Improve the « value in use » (VIU) of your lead-free coatings with our new Paliotan® range of pigments!

Become Lead-Free Throughout All Coatings Applications

Produce Lead-Free Plastics

Learn About Our Range of Attractive Solutions for Lead Chromate Replacement

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